userdata/Stories/Food Service/bienenweide.jpg
24. October 2023

2'000m2 habitat for bees and pollinating insects

Hügli donates 24m2 of sustainable wild bee and butterfly pasture for each employee of the Business Unit B2C West and thus a total of 2,000m2 of habitat for bees and pollinating insects.

Wild bees are threatened with extinction

There are over 550 species of wild bees in Germany, many of which are threatened with extinction. Numerous crops and about 80% of all wild plants in Germany only exist thanks to pollination by bees. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies are important pollinators for plants. Only thanks to the work of these insects can plants produce seeds and fruits. These seeds and fruits are the food for birds and beetles. And these in turn are the food of various prey animals. But even our cultivated plants would not exist without pollination, so our food supply is directly dependent on the little pollinators. 

"We are committed to sustainability in a wide range of areas. Bee pasture is particularly close to our hearts."
Marina Schmid
Team Leader Marketing Services B2C at Hügli

Donation for the Green Forest Fund

With a generous donation to the Green Forest Fund, Hügli has created 2,000m2 of habitat for bees and other insects. This area creates a valuable reserve not only for bees, but also for many other insects such as bumblebees, butterflies, etc. Because together we want to take responsibility and also give thanks today for tomorrow.

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